Friday, October 1, 2010

Sensation of Paris: Fiat 500 two cylinders

Before you Fiat 500. Usual in appearance Fiat 500, without aggressive aerodynamic weather-cloth or a sports framework of safety. Meanwhile it is the car which if want, opens itself a new era of automotive industry. More precisely, engine building. Under Fiat 500 cowl there is a motor with two cylinders! The new engine of Fiat is made at absolutely new level. And, remember my words, the next five-seven years we will hear about occurrence of similar motors at other manufacturers.

It is necessary to tell that Fiat 500 already had the two-cylinder engine. It was put on five-hundred part of the first generation which has appeared in 1957. That motor had volume in 479 cubes, and its capacity made only 13 h.p. There were also powerful versions – on Fiat 500 put also the motor in volume of 499 cubes and capacity of 21 h.p. and the unit in volume of 594 cubes (23 h.p.).

The two-cylinder motor of 21st century absolutely another. Thanks to the advanced technologies and to a turbo-supercharging at volume of all in 875 cubes gives out 85 h.p. and 145 Nm. Think only – 85 h.p! For such car as Fiat 500, more than enough. And a twisting moment here excellent – 145 Nm are accessible already at 1900 turns. And the driver can independently regulate it – having pressed the button, it is possible to limit moment size on a mark 100 Nm that will allow to reduce fuel consumption a little. Here also it turns out that the new two-cylinder motor surpasses many modern four-cylinder engines in volume of 1,2-1,4 l.

And profitability at it is much better. So, the average expense of gasoline at two-cylinder Fiat 500 with the robotized box and system stop start is equal only 4,1 l on 100 km of a way. And it at preservation of normal dynamics – the maximum speed of the car is equal 173 km/h, and dispersal from 0 to 100 km/h occupies 11 sec. But there is more to come. Italians have created even the diesel two-cylinder motor which gives out the same of 85 h.p. And it is not necessary to doubt in it's profitability.

While Fiat only declared about the beginning of a batch production two-cylinder motors. But, apparently, it only the beginning. With probability in 99 % it is possible to assume that already in year or two from now engines with two cylinders will appear on many cars of a class A and B.